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Iditarod Top 10
Name | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th | |
Butch | Austin | Buser | Baker | Schnuelle | Mackey | Jonrowe | D Seavey | King | Gatt | Royer | Gebhardt |
Victoria | Barber | Mackey | King | Schnuelle | Neff | Gebhardt | M Seavey | Buser | Barron | Gatt | D Seavey |
Kathy | Beaupre | Gatt | Mackey | Schnuelle | Buser | Phillips | King | Palfrey | Zirkle | Jonrowe | Lindner |
Harley | Beechy | Gatt | Schnuelle | Phillips | King | Neff | Mackey | Williams Jr. | Debruin | Freking | Frederick |
Kat | Brandsey | Mackey | Neff | Schnuelle | D Seavey | Buser | Gebhardt | Gatt | Anderson | King | Jonrowe |
Jon | Brown | Steer | Mackey | Gatt | Schnuelle | King | Buser | Neff | Gebhardt | Baker | D Seavey |
Jenna | Carlton | King | Mackey | Schnuelle | Gatt | Baker | D Seavey | M Seavey | Anderson | Gebhardt | R Smyth |
Jill | Carter | Mackey | Baker | Gatt | Lindner | King | Steer | Schnuelle | Jonrowe | Anderson | Zirkle |
Karrie | Charest | Mackey | Schnuelle | Baker | Gatt | King | Royer | Neff | D Seavey | Buser | Gebhardt |
Chantelle | Chase | Buser | Neff | Gatt | Mackey | Schnuelle | Buser | Anderson | Steer | Zirkle | Jonrowe |
Dan | Condon | Gatt | King | Mackey | Buser | D Seavey | Neff | Cim Smyth | Baker | M Seavey | Jonrowe |
Cathy | Condon | Mackey | Schnuelle | Baker | Jonrowe | Royer | D Seavey | Buser | Gatt | Gebhardt | Cim Smyth |
Anne | Coy | Gatt | Mackey | Cim Smyth | D Seavey | Anderson | Baker | Schnuelle | King | Barron | Royer |
Merlyn | Coy | Mackey | Schnuelle | Gatt | Anderson | King | M Seavey | Neff | Buser | Zirkle | Royer |
Bill | Croke | Mackey | D Seavey | Gatt | Cim Smyth | King | M Seavey | Schnuelle | R Smyth | Marshall | Jonrowe |
Joy | Davis | Schnuelle | King | Mackey | Buser | Baker | Swenson | Gatt | D Seavey | Jonrowe | Haltmannn |
Rob | Dennis | King | Mackey | Baker | Gebhardt | Cim Smyth | Gatt | Zirkle | D Seavey | Buser | M Seavey |
Paige | Drobny | King | Mackey | Schnuelle | Baker | Gatt | Neff | Cim Smyth | Steer | D Seavey | Buser |
John | Dumire | Mackey | Gatt | Schnuelle | Anderson | King | Baker | Cim Smyth | Buser | Marshall | Jonrowe |
David | Eggert | Mackey | Gatt | King | Anderson | Buser | Neff | Schnuelle | Steer | Willomitzer | D Seavey |
Matt | Emery | King | Mackey | Gebhardt | Jonrowe | Gatt | Neff | Currier | Steer | Zirkle | Stewart |
Doug | Evans | Mackey | Gatt | Schnuelle | Baker | D Seavey | King | Cim Smyth | M Seavey | Jonrowe | Buser |
Bryn | Fadum | R Smyth | Neff | Gatt | Mackey | Hayashida | Zirkle | Anderson | Barron | Cim Smyth | Schnuelle |
Austin | Forney | Mackey | King | Schnuelle | M Seavey | Neff | Gatt | Gebhardt | Buser | Baker | Anderson |
Ken | Frizzle | King | Mackey | Schnuelle | Gatt | Baker | Buser | Cim Smyth | Neff | Steer | M Seavey |
Cathleen | Griffin | Baker | Gatt | Neff | Mackey | Schnuelle | Royer | Gebhardt | King | M Seavey | Ryan Redington |
Matteo | Guerzoni | Mackey | King | M Seavey | D Seavey | Baker | Schnuelle | Gatt | Anderson | Gebhardt | Steer |
Joe | Gutowski | Buser | Mackey | King | M Seavey | Barron | Jonrowe | Gatt | Steer | Gebhardt | Zirkle |
Lacey | Hart | Mackey | King | Schnuelle | Neff | Steer | M Seavey | Jonrowe | Gatt | Buser | Anderson |
Aaron | Harwood | King | Mackey | Gatt | Neff | M Seavey | Anderson | Gebhardt | D Seavey | Buser | Schnuelle |
Brian | Heath | Mackey | Baker | Gatt | King | D Seavey | R Smyth | Gebhardt | M Seavey | Buser | Kaduce |
Barry | Heath | Mackey | Buser | King | D Seavey | Snodgrass | Gebhardt | Fiedler | Barron | Palfrey | Jonrowe |
Kristin | Heath | Buser | Mackey | King | Jonrowe | D Seavey | Royer | Gebhardt | Steer | Lindner | Palfrey |
Walter | Herrmann | King | Mackey | Gatt | Buser | Anderson | Baker | Schnuelle | Neff | M Seavey | Steer |
Frank | Holmberg | King | Mackey | Baker | Steer | Anderson | Neff | Gebhardt | M Seavey | Buser | Cim Smyth |
Ed | Hopkins | King | Buser | Mackey | Cim Smyth | Gatt | Gebhardt | Baker | M Seavey | Aily Zirkle | Royer |
Scott | Huff | King | Mackey | Gatt | M Seavey | Gebhardt | Steer | Schnuelle | Neff | Baker | D Seavey |
Carrie | Hutchinson | Gatt | Schnuelle | Mackey | King | Gebhardt | Steer | Buser | Willomitzer | Anderson | DeCaro |
lance | Johnson | Gatt | Mackey | Schnuelle | King | M Seavey | D Seavey | Baker | Buser | Neff | Steer |
Jacqueline | LaFreniere | Mackey | Gatt | King | Steer | Neff | Gebhardt | Cim Smyth | Royer | R Smyth | Buser |
Dillon | Lauritzen | Mackey | D Seavey | Barron | Schnuelle | King | Buser | Gatt | Baker | M Seavey | Gebhardt |
Jimmy | Lebling | Mackey | Schnuelle | Neff | Cim Smyth | M Seavey | D Seavey | Baker | King | Royer | Lindner |
Olivier | Lemire | Mackey | Gatt | Schnuelle | R Smyth | M Seavey | King | Anderson | Zirkle | Neff | Gebhardt |
Shawn | Linendoll | Schnuelle | Mackey | Anderson | Gatt | Gebhardt | Neff | King | M Seavey | Buser | Steer |
Grace | Liu | Gatt | Mackey | King | Gebhardt | M Seavey | Neff | Anderson | Schnuelle | Baker | D Seavey |
Brad | Love | Mackey | Schnuelle | Gatt | Buser | King | Baker | Jonrowe | Fiedler | M Seavey | Steer |
Richard | Lurie | Mackey | Gatt | Schnuelle | King | Cim Smyth | M Seavey | Steer | Royer | R Smyth | Lindner |
Stephanie | Masters Johnson | King | Schnuelle | Mackey | Gatt | D Seavey | Buser | M Seavey | Baker | Steer | Neff |
Blake | Matray | Mackey | King | Gatt | Baker | Schnuelle | M Seavey | Steer | D Seavey | Buser | Neff |
Mike | Mayer | Mackey | King | Steer | Schnuelle | Gatt | Buser | Gebhardt | Swenson | Neff | Anderson |
Jan | McCannon | Mackey | Schnuelle | King | Buser | M Seavey | Gatt | Anderson | Swenson | Steer | Jonrowe |
Peter | McClelland | Mackey | Baker | Gatt | R Smyth | D Seavey | Schnuelle | Neff | Anderson | Royer | M Seavey |
Tim | McElravy | Mackey | Neff | M Seavey | Buser | Schnuelle | Baker | Gatt | Steer | Anderson | King |
Gordon | McLean | Gatt | Mackey | King | D Seavey | Neff | Baker | Gebhardt | Cim Smyth | Anderson | Schnuelle |
Roy | Mclellan | Mackey | King | Neff | Anderson | Gatt | Buser | R Smyth | Jonrowe | Royer | M. Seavey |
John | Miller | Schnuelle | Steer | Mackey | King | Anderson | Royer | Buser | Jonrowe | Gatt | Zirkle |
Karen | Miller | Mackey | Schnuelle | King | Anderson | Gatt | Royer | Baker | Steer | M Seavey | Buser |
Bryce | Mumford | Mackey | Gatt | Schnuelle | Gebhardt | M Seavey | King | Neff | Moore | Anderson | Zirkle |
Susan | Murray | Gatt | Schnuelle | Mackey | R Smyth | King | Buser | Anderson | Gebhardt | Kaduce | Jonrowe |
Dan | Olanna | Baker | King | Schnuelle | Mackey | Gatt | Buser | M Seavey | Gebhardt | Cim Smyth | Zirkle |
Mike | Parker | Baker | Gatt | Mackey | D Seavey | King | Buser | Schnuelle | Cim Smyth | Steer | Jonrowe |
Sandi | Payne | Mackey | King | Schnuelle | D Seavey | Steer | M Seavey | Jonrowe | Anderson | Gatt | Zirkle |
Horace | Pipe | Neff | Mackey | Gatt | Baker | Schnuelle | M Seavey | King | D Seavey | Anderson | Buser |
Matt | Polcaro | King | M Seavey | Mackey | Gebhardt | Schnuelle | Neff | Gatt | D Seavey | Buser | Steer |
Dieter | Postel | Gatt | Mackey | Schnuelle | Gebhardt | King | Buser | Jonrowe | M Seavey | Swenson | Zirkle |
Ryan | Redington | Mackey | King | Buser | Baker | Cim Smyth | Gatt | Ryan Redington | M Seavey | R Smyth | Ray Redington Jr. |
Susie | Rogan | Gatt | King | Mackey | M Seavey | Baker | Neff | Cim Smyth | Schnuelle | Buser | Steer |
Eric | Rogers | King | Gatt | Schnuelle | Mackey | Baker | M Seavey | Gebhardt | Neff | D Seavey | Steer |
Palmer | Sagoonick | Baker | Schnuelle | Mackey | Gatt | Buser | M Seavey | King | R Smyth | Gebhardt | Cim Smyth |
Jerry | Scdoris | Gatt | King | Mackey | Cim Smyth | Baker | Anderson | D Seavey | Seavey | Gebhardt | Royer |
Chad | Schouweiler | King | M Seavey | Baker | Schnuelle | Buser | Mackey | Barron | Steer | Neff | Anderson |
Steve | Severson | Mackey | Baker | King | Schnuelle | Gatt | D Seavey | Buser | Neff | M Seavey | Anderson |
Lev | Shvarts | King | Mackey | M Seavey | Gatt | M Seavey | Schnuelle | Neff | R Smyth | Anderson | Buser |
Greg | Simpson | Mackey | Schnuelle | Baker | Gatt | Steer | King | D Seavey | Gebhardt | R Smyth | Neff |
Barry | Siragusa | Buser | Mackey | King | Gatt | Schnuelle | Haltmann | Steer | Gebhardt | M Seavey | Barron |
Peter | Sohlberg | Gatt | Mackey | Anderson | King | Willomitzer | M Seavey | Lindner | Haltmann | Buser | Jonrowe |
Stu | Stirrett | M Seavey | Mackey | Baker | R Smyth | Gatt | Anderson | King | Gebhardt | Royer | Steer |
Cody | Strathe | Mackey | King | Schnuelle | Gatt | Cim Smyth | Neff | Steer | Lindner | Dan Kaduce | D Seavey |
Bud | Streeper | King | Mackey | Baker | M Seavey | Gatt | Schnuelle | Buser | Gebhardt | Neff | D Seavey |
Sherry | Sutherby | Barron | Baker | Gatt | Mackey | Cim Smyth | Anderson | Ryan Redington | King | Jonrowe | Schnuelle |
Thom | Swan | Mackey | Schnuelle | Anderson | Buser | Zirkle | Gatt | King | Steer | Jonrowe | Neff |
Mary Ellen | Theriault | King | D Seavey | Mackey | Steer | Neff | Anderson | Schnuelle | Gatt | M Seavey | Baker |
Taisto | Thorneus | King | Gatt | Mackey | Neff | Schnuelle | Anderson | Baker | Buser | M Seavey | Gebhardt |
Josi | Thyr | Mackey | Neff | King | Gatt | M Seavey | Barron | Schnuelle | Buser | Steer | Zirkle |
Caleb | Tysver | Mackey | Schnuelle | King | Buser | M Seavey | Neff | Baker | Anderson | Gatt | Ryan Redington |
Julie | Verrette | King | Mackey | Gatt | Zirkle | Steer | Anderson | Neff | Buser | Royer | Baker |
Emily | Wade | Gatt | Mackey | King | Neff | Buser | Schnuelle | Jonrowe | Gebhardt | Zirkle | Baker |
Garrett | Warren | King | Mackey | Gatt | Anderson | Barron | Jonrowe | Buser | Gebhardt | M Seavey | Zirkle |
Mike | Webber | Buser | King | Mackey | Schnuelle | M Seavey | Gatt | D Seavey | Cim Smyth | Gebhardt | R Smyth |
Jason | Young | King | Schnuelle | Baker | Mackey | Gatt | M Seavey | Cim Smyth | D Seavey | Steer | Gebhardt |
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